Bioscience and Healthcare
Bioscience and Healthcare
We have vast experience in managing complex pharmaceutical and therapeutic transportation logistics.
Whether specimens must be transported in ambient, refrigerated, or frozen temperature, our fully trained and compliant couriers will ensure to maintain the integrity of our chain of custody from beginning to end. All State Courier provides storage environments and transport solutions that fully protect your drugs and therapies. We are committed to compliance with the established standards of Good Storage Practice (GSP) and Good Distribution Practice (GDP) — our policies and protocols are entirely focused on minimizing your risk and optimizing your supply chain. We have years of experience managing the most complex cold chain requirements and carry the qualifications and certifications needed to meet regulatory standards.Live organ
We take pride in the service we offer our OPOS, servicing the communities one life at a time with a full chain of custody and real time tracking, both locally and nationally.Blood Shipment
Whether it’s a pickup from another hospitals‘ blood bank, a donor center, or the American Red Cross, our drivers are trained to handle all blood shipments.Medical Equipment
From kidney pumps, to ventilators, to oversized hospital beds, our medical fleet is trained to handle any delivery local or long- distance.Medication
From small bags of specialty drugs to large infusion shipments, all are handled with care during our time critical or next day deliveries.ON-DEMAND LOCAL COURIER SERVICES
Contact Washington Courier Service
Send All Correspondence to:
All State Courier, LLC
1220 L Street, N.W Suite 100-131
Washington, D.C 20005
VA: 801 North Pitt Street
DC: 1220 L Street N.W.
MD: 3 Bethesda Metro Center
MD: (301) 951-0319
DC: (202) 737-4500
VA: (703) 684-5656